12 September 2010

Saturday roast

It's been a rather rainy weekend in our neck of the woods - how about yours?

I don't mind the odd rainy weekend - it's a good excuse to have a lazy day or two at home - but it feels like it's been raining every single day for the last two months in Seoul, so I'm hanging out for some drier weather.  But we made the most of this rainy weekend with some DVDs and a game of Pictionary (such fun, even though things sometimes get a little fraught when we play...).

We even had a Saturday roast with all the trimmings.  This used to be a favourite weekly staple when we lived in Potts Point (in Sydney), but it's been an age since we cooked it last.  My husband has a keen eye for picking the perfect bit of meat.  After it's finished roasting he'll wrap it in a tea towel and let it rest for a bit - it always turns out moist and tasty and a little pink inside - delish!  For sides, I whip up some yorkshire puddings (straight out of the Australian Women's Weekly cookbook).  I'd never even heard of yorkshire puds until I met my husband.  Do you like them?  They can be a bit stodgy but they do go very well with a roast.  Then we add some smooshed roast potatoes, a huge jug of gravy, peas, corn and some fresh crusty bread - a feast!

When I haven't been in the kitchen or settling Pictionary related disputes (or possibly even starting them...), I've had this song by The National on repeat.  It's wonderful.

And I've also been daydreaming about learning the piano.  I'm not sure where that's come from.

And I've been thinking about making some owl pincushions again, but with a different shape - a fat belly full of beans, kind of babushka doll like.  I've drafted a pattern and picked out some fabrics but it'll probably be awhile before I get a chance to actually make one.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh i adore your birds eye view meal photos!

    I have never tried yorkshire pudding, i generally like my pudding covered in chocolate sauce or golden syrup..hehe...but i'd definitely give it a try.

    It has been quite sunny (but also windy) here is Sydney, i hope the rain eases up for you soon...although Pictionary, roast and DVDs sounds VERY Lovely!


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